Write? Me?

It's no secret, I have no illusions... I don't think of myself as a writer, and I don't believe that any material (should I decide against shredding as soon as writing) will ever make a difference to a single mind, let alone the world. I don't think of myself as this enigma, or as a genius. That's just not me and I know what I can be good at, and what I'm terrible at. I think I'm positively great at computers, up to a certain level, and trust me, I am not boasting. It's this confidence that I have around them. I love this confidence, but say 'writer' and it's been taken too far.

Maybe dreamer...

Let me explain... When I am writing, anything for that matter, be it my latest pathetic attempt at the crime of the century (starring, as always, Mike Anderson - since bloody 12 years old), my latest 'romance novel' for luv (i think i might need a good pseudonym), or even my latest blog... I don't write to impress, and I don't write to serve any particular purpose. I write what I think, and I write what I feel. I can never ever have more than a small fraction of the world near anything I write not only because I'm terrified of being criticised, but also because it was quite simply never meant for that.

I don't ever want to be rich and famous... All I'm doing is sharing a little bit of space in my head with a few other people who do the same thing... Sure, there was a time when I aspired to be a journalist... and as exciting as that prospect was, I'm not your average risk taker... I believe in calculated risks, yes where Benefit > Cost, and thus a mathematical certainty. I write to please myself, and when I write, a whole world of possibility is thrown open... I can live a life in my writings that is not mine, and still not be jailed for it... Writing is what I do when too many thoughts run through my mind, or when too many emotions run through my heart... Writing takes me places that I have only dreamed of... Writing is the one place I become a dreamer, for neither you, nor I can be a dreamer all their lives... I could never be bothered with the pressure or the reality of real writing...

So in the end, what could I be called? A writer? A title that I could never be worthy of, moreover, a censure on my spirit I would not be able to handle. A blogger? Now that sounds brilliant... :)

Who are you?


10 comments. Share an Idea ]:

HeatherrrEloise said... 11 January 2008 at 09:28  

"I don't write to impress, and I don't write to serve any particular purpose. I write what I think, and I write what I feel."

That's how I feel.

I have heard some of my friends
toss around the word 'writer' with
me, and I always look at them
funny and laugh. I write because
I want to. I write because I always
have and, for the most part, it is the only way I can really express all the things I am thinking and feeling.
I do not always use perfect grammar or spelling. I do not write compelling or wonderful things.
Nor do I really strive to.
I just write what comes to me.
Whatever is making my fingertips move across the keyboard, or my pen scribble across the paper.

Loved this entry.

Bum Atom said... 11 January 2008 at 13:23  

you are such a brat, you are to young not to aspire to anything, 17-18-19 man you could be a Genius but just don't know it yet, hey brat you're a writer, can you read that good cause i wrote it. My blog is the first time i ever did anything on the internet, and it helps me feel good, I used to just write poems but now look at me, brat I like your stuff, wait before you know who you are, I think your good, but for all I know you are better

jeff said... 11 January 2008 at 20:02  

I write all the time, but whenever people ask anything about it I don't say I'm a writer. I always just state that I write. And sometimes I say I would like to be a writer someday. I don't know, to me a writer is a career people follow but maybe it's more than that, much more.

Anonymous said... 11 January 2008 at 20:48  

i don't classify myself as a writer, and none of my friends even know i have a blog and that i enjoy writing a whole lot. and that's exactly the way i want it to be, my little secret :D

Commissioner said... 11 January 2008 at 23:55  

You are a writer. The minute you admited that you like to express yourself on paper...you became one.

Arielle Fragassi said... 12 January 2008 at 00:49  

I agree with pretty much everyone.

I don't refer to myself as a writer, I just say that I enjoy writing. When people ask me what I'm writing, I never say a book or a novel, just "a story." I used to never share my writing with anyone, always embarrassed...yet after making my blog, I have been very surprised by much of the feedback, especially yours and heather's.

You never know what you have until you put it out there. The best thing about the internet is that can be anonymous. I say, put your work out there and just see. Just because you don't think it's perfect by your standards doesn't mean that others won't like it. Whenever I write something, I always think it's horrible, because my standards for myself are so high.

I know you're afraid of the criticism, but that's the best way to become better at what you do.

Unknown said... 12 January 2008 at 09:00  

Before I start, thanks for the comment on my blog, it's good to know SOMEONE on the outside world has read it.

I think you write quite beautifully, but I also completely understand your feelings of keeping your writings private. I think the only people that have ever read my work have been english school teachers, and even back then I was hesitant to let them look.

But your writing is elegant and I think other people could really benefit from reading it.

Angus Miranda said... 13 January 2008 at 05:32  

it's a long, tough road for those who want to write - paraphrased from someone (ac/dc?)

thanks for checking out my blog. :)

Quarter Past Seven said... 13 January 2008 at 15:06  

Me? learner. That's all.

PS You hate me for reminding you of India.. and I thought you were the one who's called Brat ;)

Shemley said... 23 February 2008 at 15:22  

Just seen this one bro, I have always said that your talent is articulating what you feel into the written word

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