Ideas, Inc.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Now who's idea was it that an "Idea" should be represented as a lightbulb?
So I'm doing this IT course... Let's just leave it at that... Already warning flags start going off in your head that "Oh, you know why he's in IT"... but no, I'm into computers.. not IT.. a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless...
I'm also studying a unit called Information Systems, or MIS, which basically deals with how organisations (almost all sorts), need a good structure to manage their information flow (stop snoring damnit!) so that, well, they minimize its cost and maximize the output obtained from it. Quite simply, MIS is how to milk data for all it's worth... MIS also happens to cover different departments in an organization and how they interact, and every time my tutor highlights various different "obvious" department, I always wonder why there's no "Ideas" department...
Sorry about that, I just needed to show you where I was coming from. An Ideas department, not a Creative department, or an Advertising department... Just an ideas department...
This brings me to a much more general... well, musing... Where do ideas come from? What inspires an idea, and what makes them so strong that they will prevail in the face of continual barrages of logic? In fact, who gave Thomas Edison the idea of a lightbulb in the first place, and why wouldn't he quit after his first two hundred tries??I see an Idea as a positive energy of the world... Even a horrible idea, or a "negative" idea... Every idea is positive, because it takes its roots in the human mind in the form of hope... And HOPE.. as we all know, is always positive... It's a sad theory, but it's pretty good (and it's mine, so don't you dare..) But where do they come from? I know I've asked you questions before, and this may seem really stupid anyway... I mean, who cares where they come from? They just come right? Before you start thinking that, remember that every single thing that you see around you was an idea in someone's head before that someone had to do something about it...
Beautiful really... the idea of an idea... the idea of a universe of ideas...
Oh, and my patent is pending on "Ideas, Inc."... So no stealing...
Filed under Think
very intriguing ideas you'e got there brewin'. The idea of ideas. You're a dandy writer, keep it up : )
no, i *don't* know why you're in IT ^^; what's the subtle difference? (although i should know, i'm a computer science student after all XP but what's your take? :) )
an ideas department. that sounds if anyone could be there, and anyone could contribute. if they all got along, anyway :)
ideas of ideas, that sounds like a philosophical question, doesn't it? like something from plato? :)
The Idea of Ideas. I love that phrase. I can't help thinking that everyone has ideas but only the brave ones do something about it. It takes patience and effort to make an idea work. 99% of the population isn't strong enough to do it xx
@againstthegrain: Why thanks :) I haven't heard that one before :)
@tina: XP?? Seriously.. I've never heard of anyone taking XP lately... probably too out of touch.. :) We-el... not really something from plato if you consider plato to be a muser of things rather than a philosopher...
@elise: Well, as long as somebody does something about it so the world can keep.. you know... doing whatever it does.. :)
oooh you did some serious thinking recently didn't you? But it's right.. and the *Hope is always positive* sentence.. copyright it.. seriously.. I am so going to steal it one of these days, and you won't be able to do anything. ANYTHING I tell you! mwahahahah
HEY.....looks like i finally entered brat's weave of madness......n i quite like it.....
ideas.....aye we're full of them....i feel like a dweeb commentin here......
i like ur friends brat.......:)
I don't see how you can patent your theory since your theory really isn't a theory. It barely makes sense. Ideas aren't created from hope. Hope springs along with them. The hope that the idea will work. I don't know...maybe you have to explain it more for me to understand.
@jeff: It looks like you've misunderstood the "theory"... The theory is that ideas create hope... and because any kind of hope (in the mind of the person that is hoping) is always a positive force... any idea, whether it is for the good or the bad, will always work out to be positive for the world (when you look at the big picture)..
what an idea sir jeeee!!
an idea can change ur life!!:P
@brat um. the XP is kinda like an emoticon of mine; it's someone sticking out his tongue, with his eyes scrunched up. or at least, that's what i want it to look like. ^^;
hey! you linked me! thanks :)
I believe the our Ideas are our destinies, Tomas Ed got his Ideas from the big guy up stairs, just like your theory could have been brewed up in your head millions of years ago in the "big programmers mind" and the only way he could have gotten his precious info to me is by making sure I continue to read your blog. THats my perspective. I'm just a piece of a bigger picture. that makes the world go round. we are ..... i don't really know but i like this kind of thinking good on you brat