Super Blog!!!

Well, this is just an update sort of thing, so if you're in the mood for something that has substance, then keep scrolling or click here... but do answer the question at the end... and the poll... if there is one... :)

Well, first off, Say hello to my new "Things I Will Never Understand" list on the right. This contains links to... well, you guessed it... things that don't really make sense... or should not even exist.. Most of it is probably going to be just judgment... but what the hell...

Also say hello to the literary addictions section... that's stuff i read :) and that collections contains some of the best bloggers here (I don't get the point of "Blogs Of Note", since half of them are aloe vera commercials...). Getting back to the point... If you're on that list, then congratulations... If you're not, and would like to get onto the list... then please make a cheque payable to Bharat Reddy... wha? okay okay... but seriously... If you see someone who's on there and you don't know about them... give em a shot... I find they are very good reads...

Also welcome the new RSS button :) which i happen to have made myself... except for the logo... which i guess is the main part of it... but anyway... my creative ability has increased tenfold lately...

It's funny i feel this way but i feel I've joined a literary youtube vlog... but i guess the YouTube idea came from blogs anyway... well, thank you all for making my stay enjoyable and full of sane stuff that I can read :)

Well, the point of this post was... is "Housekeeping" a good idea?... by housekeeping, i mean blogs that I write that tell you a little about me once in a while... basically blogs that have no point... like what I'm doing, what I plan on doing... Where I'm coming from, and where I'm going... stuff like that... lemme know!!

And yes, the blog below this is a new one.. so tell me I'm out of my mind...


11 comments. Share an Idea ]:

Commissioner said... 21 December 2007 at 23:53  

We have similiar list of addictions. Must mean we have similiar taste :)

Zexk said... 22 December 2007 at 09:04  

thanks for adding me too this list! I'm glad you like my blog!

Also, i think most people do those 'housekeeping' blogs, for themselves. It's like a personal diary.


Anonymous said... 23 December 2007 at 22:25  

"housekeeping" blogs aren't so bad, well, if they're interesting and not boring (cause, trust me, i've read very boring blogs.. not here though).

Anonymous said... 23 December 2007 at 22:47  

hahaha i ALWAYS get that, about the quotes. i get them online, at a quote website (no duh) haha they have tons of categories and i always seem to find the PERFECT one :)

Bum Atom said... 24 December 2007 at 00:02  

brat you rock, and you got good looking bloggers reading your stuff thats cool keep it coming more we need a new thing to ponder, or we might start needing drugs cause most blog are boring, F*^ck Yeah hahahah

Anonymous said... 24 December 2007 at 21:57  

yeah well, i was in long distance, and it was too hard for me. liking someone so much and having him so far away, it just went to waste.

jeff said... 26 December 2007 at 08:07  

Housekeeping blogs are good like Noelia said, only if they're interesting. But make sure you always have a point to your blogs. I've written boring blogs before on another site but I didn't take it seriously there. Here I'm trying to change things around. So far I've liked your blogs tho.

SavvyD said... 27 December 2007 at 04:38  

I've often wondered why MY blog isn't a blog of note. Too many blogs are just garbage.

Mario C. Delgado said... 27 December 2007 at 04:51  

I really like those "literary addictions" theyre all so interesting. good picks!

Anonymous said... 30 December 2007 at 00:17  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 30 December 2007 at 00:18  

Hello my darling,
You're comment was very interesting. It made me think anyway. Thanks for your input :)
You're definitely right about the ego thing anyway, but that's not specific to men... I find myself flirting to feed the ego every once in a while as well. But I wouldn't do it to one of my best friends. that's the difference.
I'm replying through this because I haven't figured out any other ways of replying yet, and I also hadn't left a comment on this particular post yet, so I chose it for good measure.
After carefully reading it, I found myself beaming with pride to have made it onto you're "literary addictions" list, since you described it as a list of "the best bloggers here"....why thank you!
Lastly, I would suggest visiting Dublin last on your worldly travels, as you will love it so much you wont want to leave, and I'd hate for you to miss out on the rest of the world.

S x

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